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NathaSja Tour 2018 Travel Story 2/8

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After a coolant leak I have to depart from a little piece of a hose that was on Florentina for 337,924km/209,976mi.

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We are guests of the bike couple Leszek and Joanna. 

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Together we visit the nice city of Krakow in Poland.

I like to be close to nature with my bike. But not THAT close.

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The mountain of crosses in Lithuania. 
In 1995 I passed here during my Fireblade world travel. 

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And the great place where we may spent the night had such an inviting name that we could'nt resist. 

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Next country on our NathaSja Tour. Latvia.

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Nathalie enjoys her first unsealed road experience where she can test her Hyperpro suspension. 

5 24aa

We end up in Ludza, a town close to the Russian border.
A border that I crossed the first time (but a little more north) in 1995 during my Fireblade World Travel.
The friendly hotel owner does not like the idea of two R1s sleeping on the street so it becomes the entrance hall. 


R1 Goes Extreme, Maashees, NL
CHAMBER of COMMERCE: 171 97 499

Sjaak in Egypt


Website by CornReclame
Text and layout Sjaak's sister

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