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NathaSja Tour 2018

In 2017, my good friend Nathalie accompanied me on a two-week motorcycle trip to Bulgaria. This was so great that we dreamed about a sequel. But one that would last a little longer and also go a little further from home.

Russia is my favorite ‘travel country’. Nathalie liked that idea too. That’s how the plan came about to ride to Moscow. From there south to Georgia and back via Turkey.
The trip was born and by combining the first parts of our first names also the name: NathaSja Tour, which also gave it a Russian touch.

Of course for me again on my trusted Florentina, the only real most suitable travel bike on this planet. For Nathalie we also went looking for an R1. With success. A big advantage of the same motorcycles is that you only need to take spare parts for one model. And in case something breaks, my knowledge of this bike helps.

Saturday May 12, 2018 the time had come. With a visa for Russia in our pockets, we left for Germany.


Travel Story


NST 2018 Route EN


R1 Goes Extreme, Maashees, NL
CHAMBER of COMMERCE: 171 97 499

Sjaak in Egypt


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