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NathaSja Tour 2018 Travel Story 1/8

NataSja_Tour 2018_CampingDe Hei

Motor camping De Hei. First stop on our way to Russia. 

5 14aa 32592875 1769720113086148 5847384165737037824 n

Morning after a day of riding under heavy rain showers in Germany.

5 14a 32486486 1770119246379568 7117490537300492288 n

Picture moment.

5 16a 32587448 1771774696214023 3970101158051053568 n

During our first ‘home work day’ Nathalie and I spent some time adding stickers from companies that support our trip on the two ‘Adventure R1s’. To create sticker space on my Florentina I temporary cover some world travel sponsors with coloured tape. 

5 18aaa 32898920 1773357412722418 4892955158830383104 n

After 836km crossing Germany we enter the Czech Republic.

5 18aa 32862220 1773613576030135 3341406216084520960 n

How do you get rid of a blue R1???

5 19h 32948658 1774968409227985 5253470453049065472 n


5 20aa 32958023 1775518352506324 1771412763919253504 n

We... can leave from Auschwitz...


R1 Goes Extreme, Maashees, NL
CHAMBER of COMMERCE: 171 97 499

Sjaak in Egypt


Website by CornReclame
Text and layout Sjaak's sister

© Sjaak Lucassen 2025