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2013 Travel Story 1/5

20 January

PIR Ready

Ready to go...
Wheels will be used only when Sjaak reaches land near Inuvik, Canada.
Photo by: Ronald Brandsma BV, the company which did the electrical for the R1 and sledge.

25 January

PIR Packed

The Polar Ice Ride R1 and sledge are on their way to Alaska now.
Mainport Forwarding B.V. takes charge for the air transport and Van Veelen took care of packing.

31 January

PIR Speech

Sjaak left from Amsterdam airport early this morning.
At 16.30 p.m. the plane will land in Anchorage, Alaska!
[Sjaak gave a short speech at the farewell party last Saturday, 26 January] 

1 February

PIR Customs Anchorage

The customs lady in Anchorage remembered Sjaak from 2005 when he flew his bike out to Magadan in Russia during the world travel.
Like then, she was very friendly and helpful and without any difficulties the cargo, which was flown to Alaska by Mainport Forwarding got released.

1 February

PIR Yamaha Anchorage

Thanks to the help of Yamaha Anchorage the Polar Ice Ride R1 and sledge were picked up at the airport.

5 February

PIR First sight at PolarIce

The first view on the polar ice near Barrow.
People say its much rougher than in other years!!!
Can he ride this...

9 February

PIR First ride

The first ride in Barrow was a bit unaccustomed but went okay.
Luckily the ice north of Barrow is flat!
The first cold start will be tomorrow.

12 February

PIR First ride with sled

The first test ride with the sledge after a very successful cold start at -32ºC.
Tomorrow Sjaak's plan is to ride to the ice, take the wheels off the sledge and do a test run.
A few more preparations need to be done and then the adventure will start!!!

13 February

PIR Ride

Yesterday, Sjaak got to see the polar ice at the point from where he'll start the ride.
When he got there it was too late to take the wheels of the sledge and try it.
Because some very friendly locals who are helping him had a four wheel drive with them to pull him out if necessary, he went on the ice with the wheels on.
The wheels of the sledge where digging in the deep snow and got stuck a few times.
But it went much better than he had hoped for.
It looks very promising.
The R1 had no problems at all riding the terrain.
The big wheels rolled straight over it.
Today the plan was to tow the sledge to Point Barrow.
Due to ice in the fuel system and a coolant leak this is set to tomorrow.

18 February

PIR Test ride on PolarIce

First test with the sledge on the polar ice north of Barrow.
When Sjaak turns the bike the sledge wants to go in a straight line.
It resulted in hitting the ice/snow a few times. That’s why he is going to use a long rope between the R1 and the sledge during the Polar Ice Ride.

19 February

PIR Point Barrow

Today the adventure from the northernmost point of continental USA to the southernmost point started at Point Barrow.
To get there Sjaak had to adapt the bike and the sledge to the climate and ice conditions. This was only possible thanks to his new friends who live here and who know this environment.
Clifford, Nelson, Michael, Jacob, Charles and others, thank you guys!
(photo by Michael Donovan)

21 February

PIR Top of the world

“Dear Polar Ice Ride Adventure followers.
A few days ago I succeeded in reaching Point Barrow, the northernmost point of continental USA.
After doing a few more preparations I will leave Barrow tomorrow 21 February 2013 and head in the direction of Canada.
Tests showed that the sledge and what I carry inside is far too heavy.
But I have good hope we make it. I'll just start and see how it goes.
It’s good to know that if it really doesn’t work, I can always get off the ice near Deadhorse, still about 500 km / 310 mi ice riding from here. From there roads lead down to Key West in Florida, the southernmost point of continental USA where my journey will end.
Until I get off the ice you won’t see me on Facebook. But the plan is to give daily updates via satellite phone which will be put on FaceBook and my website by my sister. Also, YouTube videos will still be added by Clymer Repair Manuals.
All the best,


R1 Goes Extreme, Maashees, NL
CHAMBER of COMMERCE: 171 97 499

Sjaak in Egypt


Website by CornReclame
Text and layout Sjaak's sister

© Sjaak Lucassen 2025