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NathaSja Tour 2018 Travel Story 8/8

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Nice number on Florentina’s ODO meter. 

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We cross the Turkish border on our way to the Bulgarian Horizons Unlimited Mini Meeting at MotoCamp Bulgaria. 

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At Motocamp Bulgaria I meet lots of travel friends. Together with Nathalie I give a presentation there and I also drink (some) beers while having a great time. 

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After traveling close to 2 month and 10,000km together with my travel buddy Nathalie the moment to say goodbye from each other is there. We had a fantastic time together traveling amazing scenery while meeting so many helpful and interesting people… But I want to go back home. It feels so strange... 

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I go to the capital Sofia. There I visit Yani’s bike shop who helped me several times during the last couple of years. New wires are soldered on the connector from the regulator. So, I can use my own spare instead of the Honda one that was on Florentina since about one year. This solves the latest charging problem. And the carbs are cleaned again. This time proper and not the way I had to do it while being at mount Nemrut in Turkey. After that we have a barbecue where even the police want a photo with me. 

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Today I ride towards Romania.
Have spark plug problems again but still make it till a little campsite south of the famous Trans Fagarasan.

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The Trans Fagarasan in Romania. Luckily, I had first scored some fresh spark plugs. 

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As you can see, I needed them. 

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Little time for pictures. I rode a lot today because otherwise my mother will be alone for a very long time.

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Again, a spark plug failure. This time I put in four new ones. 

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With 3 border crossings it is a productive day. No more sightseeing, just riding to get back to my country.

• Life on 2 Wheels  Paperback •

Today I discovered by chance that the odometer of my R1 has the possibility to select the time. During all those 348,000 kilometres that we have traveled together since 2001, she has always hidden that from me. Maybe she thought: "Why would he need the time?" The subtitle of my paperback describes it...

The paperback "Life on 2 Wheels" is available in my  ► shop

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A few more borders today. First the one from former west and east Germany. Next entering the Netherlands (no photo). And at last, the one from my hometown Maashees. And that’s it.

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After nearly 2 months on the road, traveling 12,593 kilometres through Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia, on the 9th of July I arrive safely at home.
That makes my mother very happy.

The majority of this distance I was accompanied by my travel buddy Nathalie, who is at that time still out on the road, living her life. Thanks for the great time that we had together Naat!

I also want to thank everybody that helped us while we were on the road. The world is so kindly and helpful.
And a big thanks to you all that followed us on Facebook for the likes and comments. That brings extra joy in sharing our adventure.
Special thanks to all the companies that supported our NathaSja Tour 2018!


R1 Goes Extreme, Maashees, NL
CHAMBER of COMMERCE: 171 97 499

Sjaak in Egypt


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