"50 mi / 80 km after Tok the asfalt became clear of snow.
Till far beyond Whitehorse, over 400 mi / 650 km it will be like that.
Something I can use very well because of my slick rear tire!
Shortly after crossing the Canadian border the trailer gets a flat tire.
So I put on the rim and tire which I carry for warmer regions.
Because I think the spikes are causing this problem I remove them from the other trailer tire and ride slowly to Beaver Creek.
At a tire shop I try to repair the tire but it turns out that the cold has torn the knobs.
The other tire has the same problem.
I have to continue my trip with my ‘summer tires while the trailer has to brake the bike downhill. Oops.
Good that we get roads clear of snow.
And what happens then…it starts snowing!"
"Left Beaver Creek on a snow-covered road early today.
The road was good except for a few stretches and after one hour I left the fresh snow behind.
That’s why I could make some mileage and made it to Whitehorse.
But now I have a flat trailer tire. Tomorrow I’ll try to find a new one and then I’ll be heading for more warmth again.
This morning’s temperature was minus 17°C / 1,4°F but in the afternoon, it reached above zero!"
"No result on my search for 5 inch tires in Whitehorse.
I did find a tube so I can use the ‘winter tire’ again, as long as it lasts.
That’s why my sister will send 2 new ones from KDP-racing to Canada.
To spare the ones I’m using right now, I decided to decrease the weight in the trailer. I will leave the spare rear tire (20kilos) of the bike -which I carry for any steep snow-covered slopes to come-
behind at Yukon Honda owner, Jon. He follows my adventure on the ADVrider forum and when necessary, he’ll give it to a local bus driver who will take it along.
From Whitehorse to Watson Lake the road will be partly clear of snow."
"Between Whitehorse and Watson Lake the road-surface would be partly covered with
ice of flattened snow. I only came across slush. A few days ago, I saw slush too and thought the temperature had risen above zero. But the strong sunlight melts the snow at a temperature still
well below zero. Therefor the rotating parts get iced up at once, creating this beautiful sight.
Today was a trouble-free day!
The friendly hotel receptionist in Watson Lake gave me room # 13..."
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Text and layout Sjaak's sister
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