Logo PIR

Supporters of Sjaak's Polar Ice Adventure!

Symbolically they rode with him by their name/club/company/logo on the sledge!
Thanks for your support, everyone!

Supporters PIR

Per € 25,- they got ¼ part of a business card.
€ 50,- was 1/2 business card a.s.o.

What was in return...
+ Newsletters before and during the polar ice ride.
+ Their name/company/logo at the front of the sledge
+ Digital photo of the R1 with sledge taken on the polar ice.
+ All 36 stages of the book "Life on 2 wheels" for free! (by email)

PolarIceRide Supporters


R1 Goes Extreme, Maashees, NL
CHAMBER of COMMERCE: 171 97 499

Sjaak in Egypt


Website by CornReclame
Text and layout Sjaak's sister

© Sjaak Lucassen 2025