Alaska Winter 2009 Travel Stories

In MOTOR Magazine the following stories were published."

"Zon, spikes en sneeuw"
"Sun, Spikes and Snow"
In search for the extreme, part I of the Alaska adventure.

MOTOR Magazine 2010-01

(Click photo to read [in Dutch] the PDF)

"Buffelen door Alaska"
"-Buffaloing- through Alaska"
In search for the extreme, part II of the Alaska adventure.

MOTOR Magazine 2010-02

(Click photo to read [in Dutch] the PDF)

In the MotoPort Magazine the following stories were published.

"Honger Stillen"
"Satisfying hunger"
MP-Magazine 2008-04

(Click photo to read [in Dutch] the PDF)

"Het voorwiel richting het noorden"
"The front wheel due north"
MP-Magazine 2009-01

(Click photo to read [in Dutch] the PDF)

"Hoezo eindbestemming onhaalbaar?"
"What do you mean, destination unfeasible?"
MP-Magazine 2009-02

(Click photo to read [in Dutch] the PDF)


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