Mar 2 2013
Continuous Presentation
Sjaak gives short presentations for an alternating audience. For example during open house/days, the opening of a business or at other events, you can offer your audience a bonus with this very interesting crowd puller.
The presentation of videos and slides, performed with a great sense of humour might consist of:
– a short 20 minutes presentation which will be repeated every hour.
– an 1 hour presentation 4 or 5 times during the day.
Everything in between is also possible.
You can choose from 3 continuous presentations.
• R1-World Tour
A continuous presentation about the 250,000 km long adventure through 75 countries which lasted over 5 years.
This is a presentation with short videos showing extreme events and with beautiful slides of the culture and natural beauty around the world.
• Polar Ice Ride
A continuous presentation about the war of attrition that man and machine had to go through on the frozen polar ice, during the ride from Barrow in Alaska to Key West in Florida. The ride from the northernmost point of the US to the southernmost point.
• Mix
A combination of the presentations mentioned above, completed with a few slides from other travels and winter adventures.
Sjaak brings along:
• World Tour R1, Polar Ice Ride R1 or both.
• Merchandise.
• A wonderful, interesting and humorous story.
Feel free to fill in the form or write a message.