A regular battery will hardly deliver any current when the temperature drops below -25°C/-13°F, while an
Odyssey battery at -40°C/-40°F still brings more current as an original battery will bring in ideal surrounding temperature. That made them indispensable during my winter rides in Alaska. No doubt that I will use the Odyssey on my North Pole Challenge too. How exactly I am going to tackle that I don’t know yet. It could be that I mount an Odyssey in the bike and take a spare Odyssey with me. This is the safer, but also the most heaviest option. I can also keep using a stock battery and link up an Odyssey parallel, during the ‘cold-start’. By insulating the stock battery and to make sure it gets some engine warmth while riding, it could function normally. A test ride to a wintry North Cape could bring more clarity about what to do.